Meet Our Pastor
Bishop Mark W. Thompson
Sr. Pastor
Email: info@rlcfatl.com
In 2007, Dr. Mark W. Thompson shared with a congregation in Cincinnati, Ohio where he was pastoring that the Lord had placed a calling in his life to return to Atlanta, Georgia and “complete the work left undone.” This was a work that would be centered on wholistic ministry for the mind, body and spirit. It would be conducted in a safe and open environment where the unchurched could come and hear the life-changing truth that Jesus Christ loved them and died for their sins. So he and his wife, Rev. Stephanie, moved back to the Atlanta, Georgia area and Redemptive Life Christian Fellowship was birthed.
Since the first worship experience at Redemptive Life, the congregation began meeting each Sunday morning at 10:00 am at Shiloh High School before moving into their new church home in December of 2009. There, traditional church worship and standards for growth weren’t the focus. Redemptive Life made a strategic decision not to focus on numerical growth, but instead to center its attention on spiritual growth, Christian maturity and leadership development. Further, the goal was that when the church eventually moved into its own facility that they would have a core of leaders who not only had an abiding relationship with God but that they were a family that was prepared to take on the challenges of community ministry, changes, and even healing. Redemptive Life is committed to this course and realizes that we are in those defining days.
Changed lives are what drive the leadership and the Pastor at Redemptive Life. Our defined mission is to lead people into an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ by Teaching the Word, Touching the Soul, and Transforming the Life. That’s not just a slogan on our wall, but it’s our measurement of success. It is our promise to God, ourselves, and all whom God sends that if we ever lose focus of our goal, we guarantee that we will stop what we are doing and regroup, no matter what.
We invite you to come and experience the Lord with us and see what we mean.